System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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coll-download_failed_title (Talk) (Translate) Error during download
coll-download_notfound_text (Talk) (Translate) The file you are trying to download does not exist: Maybe it has been deleted and needs to be regenerated.
coll-download_notfound_title (Talk) (Translate) File not found
coll-download_text (Talk) (Translate) To download your book choose a format and click the button.
coll-download_title (Talk) (Translate) Download
coll-drag_and_drop (Talk) (Translate) Use drag & drop to reorder wiki pages and chapters
coll-empty_collection (Talk) (Translate) Empty book
coll-error_reponse (Talk) (Translate) Error response from server
coll-excluded-templates (Talk) (Translate) * Templates in category [[:Category:$1|$1]] have been excluded.
coll-failed_collection_info_text_article (Talk) (Translate) {{MediaWiki:Coll-helppage}}/Rendering collection info text
coll-failed_page_info_text_article (Talk) (Translate) {{MediaWiki:Coll-helppage}}/Rendering page info text
coll-finished_collection_info_text_article (Talk) (Translate) {{MediaWiki:Coll-helppage}}/Rendering collection info text
coll-finished_page_info_text_article (Talk) (Translate) {{MediaWiki:Coll-helppage}}/Rendering page info text
coll-format-docbook (Talk) (Translate) DocBook
coll-format-epub (Talk) (Translate) e-book (EPUB)
coll-format-odf (Talk) (Translate) Word processor (OpenDocument)
coll-format-okawix_zeno (Talk) (Translate) Okawix
coll-format-rdf2latex (Talk) (Translate) e-book (PDF, ocg latex renderer)
coll-format-rdf2text (Talk) (Translate) Word processor (plain text)
coll-format-rl (Talk) (Translate) e-book (PDF, mwlib renderer)
coll-format-zim (Talk) (Translate) Kiwix (OpenZIM)
coll-format_label (Talk) (Translate) Format:
coll-help (Talk) (Translate) Help
coll-help_tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Show help about creating books
coll-helppage (Talk) (Translate) Help:Books
coll-image-attribution (Talk) (Translate) <b>$1</b> <i>Source:</i> $2 <i>Licence:</i> $3 <i>Contributors:</i> $4 <i>Original artist:</i> $5
coll-invalid_podpartner_msg (Talk) (Translate) The supplied POD partner is invalid. Please contact your MediaWiki administrator.
coll-invalid_podpartner_title (Talk) (Translate) Invalid POD partner
coll-is_cached (Talk) (Translate) <ul><li>A cached version of the document has been found, so no rendering was necessary. [$1 Force re-rendering].</li></ul>
coll-license (Talk) (Translate) Licence
coll-license_url (Talk) (Translate) -
coll-limit_exceeded_text (Talk) (Translate) Your book is too big. No more pages can be added.
coll-limit_exceeded_title (Talk) (Translate) Book too big
coll-load_collection (Talk) (Translate) Load book
coll-load_collection_tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Load this book as your current book
coll-load_local_book (Talk) (Translate) Click OK to continue with your book %TITLE% which contains %NUMPAGES% wiki pages. Click Cancel to delete it and start with an empty book.
coll-load_overwrite_text (Talk) (Translate) You already have some pages in your book. Do you want to overwrite your current book, append the new content, or cancel loading this book?
coll-login_to_save (Talk) (Translate) If you want to save books for later use, please [[Special:UserLogin|log in or create an account]].
coll-make_suggestions (Talk) (Translate) Suggest pages
coll-make_suggestions_tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Show suggestions based on the pages in your book
coll-manage_your_book (Talk) (Translate) Manage your book
coll-move_down (Talk) (Translate) Move down
coll-move_to_bottom (Talk) (Translate) Move to bottom
coll-move_to_top (Talk) (Translate) Move to top
coll-move_up (Talk) (Translate) Move up
coll-mwserve_failed_msg (Talk) (Translate) An error occurred on the render server: <nowiki>$1</nowiki>
coll-mwserve_failed_title (Talk) (Translate) Render server error
coll-n_pages (Talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
coll-new_chapter (Talk) (Translate) Enter name for new chapter
coll-no (Talk) (Translate) No
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