From Moving Light Assistant
Revision as of 23:37, 7 June 2014 by Andyv wiki admin (Talk | contribs)
All comments in LUA start with a --
This comment option will define how the script will be triggered. For example, if you wish the script to be triggered from the 'Scripts' menu, then include the line below in your script.
-- TriggerType=Menu
If no trigger type is specified, the script will not be able to be triggered be default. This can manually be changed in the 'Manage Scripts…' dialog.
TriggerType Options
-- TriggerType=None
With the option set to None, the script can not be triggered to be run.
-- TriggerType=Menu
With the option set to Menu, the script will appear in the 'Scripts' menu. Selecting the script from the menu will run the chosen script. The order of the scripts in the menu is the order they are found in the 'Scripts' folder.