From Moving Light Assistant
Send( text )
- text is a string.
This function sends the text over the Telnet connection. text sent is not automatically terminated with a carriage return character. Currently as of Beta 8, MLA will not wait for a response from the console before continuing. It is recommended to use a Wait command of 0.2 seconds to prevent sending commands to the console faster than the console can process them.
This would send a Clear command to the console. Note the "\r" is the return carriage to terminate the command.
It is often best to create LUA functions to do common tasks
function StoreCue(cue)
textToSend = "Store Cue ".. cue.."\r"
The LUA function defined above accepts a cue number as a parameter, then constructs the string 'textToSend', which is then passed to the Telnet:Send function.